Music center

5 1
Item number: 4776
Private Label option: Yes
Age group 3+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 3+ years.
Develops fine motor skills
Recommended for developing fine motor skills
This set is of a size suitable for kindergartens and other institutions.
Promotes interaction
Recommended for promoting interaction between children and adults
Builds confidence
Recommended for building confidence
Physical Development
Recommended for physical skill development
Hand-eye coordination
Recommended for improving hand-eye coordination
Strengthens social skills
Recommended for developing social skills
Spurs Imagination
Recommended for stimulating imagination


With this music station, children can create their own little band with room for imagination, movement, and lots of laughter and joy. The products make different sounds so children can learn to distinguish between them and at the same time play with the different sounds and how they can be combined to create different tones.

Children love music, and it helps stimulate brain activities across brain hemispheres and competency boundaries.

Listen and imitate.

dantoy WOOD

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