Ice cream shop wood in gift box 12 parts

5 1
Item number: 4774
Private Label option: Yes
Age group 3+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 3+ years.
Develops fine motor skills
Recommended for developing fine motor skills
This set is of a size suitable for kindergartens and other institutions.
Promotes interaction
Recommended for promoting interaction between children and adults
Physical Development
Recommended for physical skill development
Builds confidence
Recommended for building confidence
Spurs Imagination
Recommended for stimulating imagination
Strengthens social skills
Recommended for developing social skills
Hand-eye coordination
Recommended for improving hand-eye coordination


All children love ice cream, and that's why it's natural that dantoy has now created an ice cream shop. It's something all children love, and therefore, role-playing with an ice cream shop is a timeless classic. We recommend combining this item with our Thorbjørn ice cream set. You can turn the ice cream shop so you can be the one selling and making ice cream, and you can be the buyer receiving their ice cream. This play encourages the development of social skills.

dantoy WOOD

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