For My Little Princess - Breakfast Set

5 1
Item number: 4465
Private Label option: Yes
Age group 3+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 3+ years.
Balance improving
Recommended for promoting balance
Display Box
This toy is packed in a display box.
Develops fine motor skills
Recommended for developing fine motor skills
This toy can be hand-washed.
This set is of a size suitable for kindergartens and other institutions.
Promotes interaction
Recommended for promoting interaction between children and adults
Builds confidence
Recommended for building confidence
Hand-eye coordination
Recommended for improving hand-eye coordination
Dishwasher safe
This toy is dishwasher safe.
Spurs Imagination
Recommended for stimulating imagination
Nordic Ecolabel
This toy is Nordic Eco-labelled.
Strengthens social skills
Recommended for developing social skills
Physical Development
Recommended for physical skill development
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A complete breakfast set for role-playing both indoors and outdoors. It includes everything from a frying pan to fried eggs to a sugar bowl, perfect for a morning picnic or other fun games that can continue for hours. Role-playing games help strengthen children's self-esteem, identity formation, and much more. Let your child conjure up a lovely sand cake with some pretend coffee - it doesn't get much better than that.

My little princess

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