My Little Princess picnic basket online

5 1
Item number: 4318
Private Label option: Yes
Age group 2+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 2+ years.
Develops fine motor skills
Recommended for developing fine motor skills
Promotes interaction
Recommended for promoting interaction between children and adults
Builds confidence
Recommended for building confidence
Net wrapping
This toy is packed in nets.
Dishwasher safe
This toy is dishwasher safe.
Spurs Imagination
Recommended for stimulating imagination
Strengthens social skills
Recommended for developing social skills
Nordic Ecolabel
This toy is Nordic Eco-labelled.
Hand-eye coordination
Recommended for improving hand-eye coordination
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The sweetest picnic set with a basket and accompanying cutlery and tableware. You can match the set with some of dantoys' other products and serve cakes, ice cream, burgers, or something completely different. The set can be used both indoors and outdoors, and is perfect for role-playing games in the garden, park, or living room floor.

My little princess

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