Balance board in cork

5 1
Item number: 6998
Private Label option: Yes
Age group 3+ years
Recommended age group for this toy is 3+ years.
Balance improving
Recommended for promoting balance
Brown cardboard box
This toy is packed in a brown cardboard box.
This set is of a size suitable for kindergartens and other institutions.
Promotes interaction
Recommended for promoting interaction between children and adults
Physical Development
Recommended for physical skill development
Builds confidence
Recommended for building confidence
Spurs Imagination
Recommended for stimulating imagination
Strengthens social skills
Recommended for developing social skills


Funny balance board that can be used for a variety of games and exercises. The child's sense of balance will be challenged when standing on the board and playing with its movements and the body's movements.

The board can also be used for sitting. Many children with restlessness in the body can benefit from sitting on the board, for example during a gathering or other times when calmness is required, which can be difficult for children to achieve.

We also recommend combining this board with the other cork products.

Tumbling CORK

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